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Group Classes

I run regular group classes at a secure private field at The Balloon Tree in Gate Helmsley the classes help with puppies and dogs of all ages and abilities.


Class sizes are kept small so that everyone gets the chance to ask questions as they go throughout the course too. 


All techniques are taught through positive reinforcement methods by an accredited IMDT, IMDTB and ACE trainer. Showing you how to build a close bond with your dog without the need to use harsh or aversive methods.


Click the photos below to book onto group classes. 



Pawsome Puppy Class – Puppy class is a fabulous starting place for you and your new family member. This is a four-week course for puppies from full vaccination up to six months of age. Where you will learn all essential puppy training skills including teaching your dog how to walk on a loose lead, recall, stays, games, vet handling techniques and more! All participants receive a workbook and diary to complement the course and access to a private Facebook training community too for support along the way.

Adolescent Class – Adolescence is notoriously the hardest stage of your dog’s development as it is usually where they forget any previous training and start pushing all boundaries especially recall and walking on a loose lead. Or they may appear to have completely forgotten everything! This is a normal part of development and this class will help you get back on track with you dogs training skills and help you push your training to the next level. This course runs over a four-week period looking at all essential life skills. Participants will receive a workbook and diary to complement the course and access to a private Facebook community for support along the way too.

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Advanced Life Skills – These classes are great for advancing your dog training skills to the next level. This is where we start looking at how to add distraction and duration to all your obedience skills and teaching you how to get more out of your dog’s training together with you. These four-week courses will look at teaching advanced skills such as emergency stops, out of sight stays, recall, heel work, advancing leaving articles and more!  These classes are also great for rescue dogs or dogs who may have previously missed out on training classes due to the covid pandemic. These classes are a mixed ability where everyone is welcome to join in with their dogs to reach your dog’s full training potential.  The courses run over a four-week period and participants will get access to a closed private Facebook community for support along the way too. 

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Hoopers – This is a fabulous sport where your dog will learn how to run through a course of hoops, barrels and a tunnel over a four-week course or workshop. This is a flat course so is suitable for dogs of any age and ability. Hoopers is a great way to have fun together with your dog and they will also learn other skills such as target training, stays and look at how to motivate your dog to work with you too. This course is run by an accredited Canine Hoopers World Instructor.

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Parkour – Parkour is all about teaching your dog body awareness and helping them learn to navigate various obstacles by going over, under, around, through and in them over a four-week course or workshop. This is a great one for building a bond together with your dog helping them use physical energy to navigate the obstacles too. You will learn how you can make more out of your dog’s daily walks too by keeping them engaged with you, meaning that your recall cue may not be used as much as your dog wants to stay and be with you instead. Parkour is suitable for dogs over the age of six months of age. This course is run by an accredited UK Parkour Instructor.

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